The Shoulder Physio Podcast

The Shoulder Physio Podcast

Hosted by: Jared Powell

The Shoulder Physio Podcast is a podcast dedicated to exploring meaningful topics in musculoskeletal health care.


#38: Are opioids better than placebo for neck and low back pain? With Caitlin Jones, PhD

Season #1

In this episode of The Shoulder Physio podcast, I am joined by Caitlin Jones, who has recently published a world first randomised placebo controlled trial in the Lancet journal on opioids for acute neck and low back...
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#37: Medicine is sick: with Professors Rachelle Buchbinder and Ian Harris

Season #1

In this episode of The Shoulder Physio Podcast, I am joined by Rachelle Buchbinder and Ian Harris. Rachelle and Ian are academic doctors who still see and treat patients whilst also conducting high quality research....
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#36: Should physiotherapists provide dietary advice to individuals with knee osteoarthritis? With Professor Kim Bennell

Season #1

In this episode of The Shoulder Physio podcast, I am joined by Kim Bennell, a professor and research physiotherapist from the University of Melbourne. Kim has been involved in designing and implementing dozens of...
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#35: Unraveling the mechanisms of manual therapy with Associate Professor Amy McDevitt

Season #1

In this episode of The Shoulder Physio podcast, I am joined by Amy McDevitt, an associate professor and clinician at the University of Colorado. Amy shared her perspective on manual therapy and the importance of...
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#34: Patello-femoral pain syndrome with Professor Bill Vicenzino

Season #1

Patello-femoral pain is a common, and at times, debilitating condition of the knee that can impact people across the lifespan. Professor Bill Vicenzino is a world leading expert on this topic and to that end I've...
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#33: How much pain relief do patients expect from our treatments?

Season #1

When a patient comes to see a physiotherapist, or any health care professional, how much better does that patient need to get to make a treatment worthwhile? This is an important question because we're constantly...
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#32 Exercise for Shoulder Pain is a No-Brainer, Right?

Season #1

We're constantly told, even lectured, about the importance of exercise for most non-traumatic musculoskeletal pain presentations, shoulder pain included. We assume it works for all people across time and space, but is...
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#31: Uncertainty doesn't prevent action

Season #1

Every iconic scientist has a quote emphasising the importance of uncertainty and doubt that underpins the scientific attitude. This holds true as much for fundamental physics and biological science as it does for...
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#30: Pilates for chronic low back pain, how does it work?

Season #1

Pilates exercise seems to help people with chronic low back pain...but how? What are the causal mechanisms underpinning the apparent effectiveness of Pilates? Does it activate the multifidus and transeversus abdominis...
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#29 The Placebo Effect with Professor Steve Kamper

Season #1

What exactly is a placebo effect? When you try and pin it down, it's confusing. Technically, it's something inert that produces an can there be an effect without a mechanism? Prof. Steve Kamper is here to...
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#28 What is this thing called science? With Erik Meira

Season #1

Science is ubiquitous. But what is it? Everyone talks about science and the significance of being scientific but nailing down just what this means for clinical practice in physical therapy is somewhat elusive. To...
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#27 Exercise for Knee Osteoarthritis. A debate between Marius Henriksen and Christian Barton

Season #1

Exercise for knee osteoarthritis is a non-negotiable and effective intervention, right? Well, maybe it’s not so clear. Evidence seems to be dropping every month challenging the privileged position that exercise...
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