Season 2
#26 A primer on tendon pain with Professor Neal Millar
Tendinopathy: Is it a simple case of tendon overload that can be fixed with eccentric exercise or friction massage? What's the deal with inflammation? Is there a role for adjunct therapies such as biologics and...
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#25 What's the deal with strengthening for shoulder pain?
Strengthening exercise is a popular and effective treatment for shoulder pain. But...is the benefit of strengthening exercise derived from getting stronger or are there other causal mechanisms underpinning the effect?...
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#24 Injury prevention (or is it reduction?) with Professor Franco Impellizzeri
Can we prevent injuries from happening? All of them? If we can't prevent ALL injuries should we move away from using the term prevention? Or is all this boring and irrelevant linguistic games that don't move the...
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#23 Platelet rich plasma: Separating fact from fiction
In this solo episode I discuss the evidence underpinning the use of platelet rich plasma injections for shoulder pain. Platelet rich plasma makes total sense on the surface, but do empirical findings support this?...
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#22 Thinking beyond sets and reps with John Kiely
In this episode I speak with eminent sport scientist and coach, John Kiely. John is infamous for challenging dogmatic training principles in sport science, chiefly periodisation theory. Our conversation starts with...
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#21 Can the ACL heal? With Dr Stephanie Filbay
An entrenched assumption in sport and exercise medicine/physiotherapy, going back decades, has been that ACL (anterior cruciate ligament) injuries DO NOT heal. Not ever. However, like many dogmatic beliefs in the...
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#20 Osteoarthritis with Professor David Hunter
Osteoarthritis (OA) is a leading cause of pain and disability. OA is also seems to be associated with several myths and misconceptions about how it is caused and how it might be managed. To cut through some of this...
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#19 Scapula Dyskinesis; do we need to fix it? - with Filip Struyf
In this podcast, I discuss the scapula with Filip Struyf, PhD. Filip is a former guest on the show (episode 2) and I've pulled him back on the podcast to tackle the hard problems as they relate to the scapula....
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#18 Is feeling stiffness actually related to joint stiffness? With Tasha Stanton
Feeling stiff is a familiar feeling for all of us. But does feeling stiff mean our joints are actually stiff? Or is there more to it. Tasha Stanton PhD is a clinical neuroscientist who has performed research directly...
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#17 Nordics debate - with Prof's Franco Impellizzeri & Kristian Thorborg
The Nordic hamstring exercise has enjoyed mostly good press with respect to injury prevention effectiveness. That is until recently. Professor's Franco Impellizzeri and Kristian Thorborg kindly and clearly join me in...
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#16 The science of cause and effect - with Connor Gleadhill
I am joined by Connor Gleadhill to discuss causal inference. Connor is a PhD candidate exploring causal inference and is someone who speaks fluently about complex topics (must be the smooth Irish accent!). Causal...
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